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Nick Cave @ Absolutely Stylish Rockers – Rock Icons in Fashion

Nick Cave @ Absolutely Stylish Rockers – Rock Icons in Fashion

(English language follows at the end)

L’australiano Nick Cave, dopo un passato travagliato e profondamente segnato dallo spirito punk dei The Birthday Party, sbarca in Inghilterra dove abbraccerà il successo planetario.
Viso pallido, i capelli corvini arruffati e gonfi ad emular la cresta, negli anni ’70 ed inizi anni ’80 sfoggia un look dal jeans stretti e t-shirt bianche con collane lunghe, stile che muta al pari della produzione musicale e si affina, cancellando i suoni cacofonici del suo inimitabile rock ribelle.
La malinconica regione delle piogge in cui si diffonde la musica dei The Cure, Joy Division, Morrisey, diventa madre del suo nuovo progetto artistico: Nick Cave and the bad seeds. Un’anima più calda, indagatrice dei profondi abissi dell’animo umano, trova la sua espressione estetica in un’impronta di abbigliamento elegante, dal taglio sartoriale creato dal designer Chris Kerr, contrapponendosi in modo austero e freddamente concettuale, quasi Cave volesse vestire i panni di un business man della City of London.
Nick Cave si classifica indiscutibilmente come uno dei rocker più eleganti di tutta la scena musicale mondiale, alternando la tagliente determinazione in stile Tarantiniano di una giacca nera, abbinata alla semplicità impeccabile di una camicia bianca e cravatta nera tanto impeccabile, all’abito in gessato slim-fit, camicia semi sbottonata ed polsini adornati con gemelli, stivali Chelsea, di indiscutibile fascino.
Con un rapido cambio di scenario, la mente ritrova un simile approccio estetico negli artisti concettuali del movimento Formale italiano. Lucio Fontana, Piero Manzoni, per esempio, erano soliti accostarsi alla pittura o scultura in elegante abito giacca. Gli archivi fotografici italiani sono ricchi di questi spunti e riferimenti ad uno stile di sensuale eleganza e “Dolce Vita” del bel Paese.
In un passaggio del film “20.000 days on earth” lo stesso artista si interroga sull’importanza iconica del suo stile, che – al pari della produzione musicale – esercita un notevole carisma sull’immagine mentale del suo pubblico
Lui, capelli lunghi e neri fino alle spalle, ora incarna un personaggio, anima che vive tra le note musicali, film e scritti, idea di un sè stampato su poster che ricoprono ambiti urbani, per poi giungere fino ai muri della stanza di un fan. È questo – si domanda Cave – che richiede il pubblico? Ed inoltre – Se smettesse di indossare quell’abito, sarebbe ancora percepito come lo stesso Nick Cave?
Provocazioni che non trovano autentica risposta nella pellicola cinematografica, ma lasciano spazio a riflessioni profonde…

– Elena Arzani

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The Australian Nick Cave, after a troubled past deeply marked by the punk spirit of The Birthday Party, landed in England where he would embrace the worldwide success.
Pale face, raven hair, in the 70s and early 80s his signature look featured tight jeans, white t-shirt and a long necklace. Later on his style changed as well as his music production, beautifully refined by the subtle complexity of a more bluesy sound, deleting the cacophonous rock rebel ones.
The melancholy rainy Region already scenario of the music played by The Cure, Joy Division, Morrisey, becomes the perfect nest where to give birth to his new art project: Nick Cave and the bad seeds. A soulful music production, that investigate the profound depths of the human being. Cave finds a new stylish expression in the perfect aesthetic of tailoring suit created by designer Chris Kerr, opposing an austere and conceptual coldly to a warmer sound, almost as if he wanted to impose a more professional image of himself, dismissing the cloths of the rebel artist, and dressing up the ones of a business man, typical of the City of London.
Nick Cave is unquestionably ranked as one of the the most elegant rocker in the world, alternating the sharp determination in Tarantino style of a black jacket, combined with the flawless simplicity of a white shirt and black tie to a suit in pinstripe slim -fit, unbuttoned shirt cuffs adorned with twins, Chelsea boots, of undeniable charm.
With a quick change of scenery, the mind finds a similar aesthetic approach in the conceptual artists of the Italian Formal movement. Lucio Fontana, Piero Manzoni, for example, used to approach their paintings or sculptures in elegant suits. The Italian photographic archives are rich of visual references, underlining an attitude in style commonly shared by the sensual elegance and “Dolce Vita” of Italians.
In a sequence of the film “20,000 days on earth” the same artist reflects on the importance of his iconic style, which – like his music production – plays a significant role in portraing a charismatic image of himself within his audience’s mind
With long black hair up to the shoulders, Cave now embodies a character, the personification of a soul that lives between his musical notes, as well as his films and writings, the idea of self represented into the posters seen on the wall of all urban areas, as far as to the room of a fan . Is this – wonders Mr Cave – what it is required by the public? And also – If I stop wearing that dress, would I still be perceived as the same Nick Cave?
Provocations that do not find an authentic answer within the motion picture film, but leave room to a more profound reflection …

– Elena Arzani

If you want to write to the Editor, seek to deepen a particular artist, send your email to: – quote in the subject the book name: Absolutely Stylish Rockers – Rock Icons in Fashion